5 Pheasant Dr, Mt Laurel NJ 08054

Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00 am-5:00 pm

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Fire Extinguishers

Before fighting any fire - call 911, the fire department or other fire emergency number.

Do not attempt to fight the fire if there is considerable heat, smoke, fumes or the possibility that you can be trapped by the fire.
Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher.
To use the fire extinguisher - remember “PASS”:
1) Pull the pin - point the nozzle away from you and release the locking mechanism.
2) Aim low - hold the extinguisher upright and aim at the base of the fire.
3) Squeeze the trigger; the extinguishing agent may come out with consider able force or noise.
4) Sweep the nozzle from side to side, driving the fire back.

 Recharge or replace after use.
Fire Extinguisher Location and Quality Control
 Check charge once a month. This is done by the facility (log follows).
 Annual maintenance must be recorded - tag should be punched, stamped or signed.
 Fire extinguisher will be provided, mounted and identified for easy accessibility to employees
 If fire extinguisher is removed for service - a replacement will be provided during absence.

Types of Fire Extinguishers:
All fire extinguishers are not created equal. The type of fire extinguisher must be appropriate for type of fire it will fight. Fire extinguishers are classified and labeled according to “what is burning”. The codes used are as follows:

“A” in a diamond: ordinary combustibles - wood, paper, rubber, household rubbish and many plastics.
“B” in a square: flammable liquids - oil , greases, tars, oil-based paints, lacquers, flammable gases and some plastics.
“C” in a circle: “plugged in” electrical equipment - household appliances, com puter equipment, house/building wiring and fuse boxes.

Employee Training:  Employees will be trained on how to use a fire extinguisher at orientation and annually